Prenumerata czasopism
Lp. | Tytuł | Wersja |
1. | Accross Languages and Cultures: A Multidisciplinary Journal for Translation and Interpreting Studies | online |
2. | Anglia | online |
3. | Anglo-Saxon England | online |
4. | Applied Linguistics | print + online |
5. | Bilingualism: Language and Cognition | online |
6. | Cahiers de Recherches Médiévales et Humanistes / Journal of Medieval and Humanistic Studies | print + online |
7. | Canadian Literature | |
8. | Cognitive Linguistics | online |
9. | Computer Assisted Language Learning | online |
10. | Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory | online |
11. | Critical Inquiry | print + online |
12. | Current Issues in Language Planning | |
13. | Deutsch Als Fremdsprache | |
14. | Diachronica: International Journal for Historical Linguistics | online |
15. | Discourse & Society | online |
16. | Elt Journal | print + online |
17. | English Language and Linguistics | online |
18. | English World-Wide | online |
19. | Forum Akademickie | |
20. | Fremdsprache Deutsch. Zeitschrift für die Praxis des Deutschunterrichts | |
21. | Gender and Language | online |
22. | Golwg | print od kwietnia 2024 |
23. | International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism | |
24. | International Journal of Corpus Linguistics | online |
25. | International Journal of Lexicography | online |
26. | Interpreter and Translator Trainer | print + online |
27. | Interpreting: The International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting | online |
28. | IRAL | online |
29. | Journal of English Linguistics | online |
30. | Journal of Historical Pragmatics | online |
31. | Journal of Linguistics | online |
32. | Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development | |
33. | Journal of Phonetics | print + online |
34. | Journal of Pragmatics | print + online |
35. | Journal of the International Phonetic Association | online |
36. | Language & Cognition | online |
37. | Language in Society | online |
38. | Language Learning | online |
39. | Language Teaching | online |
40. | Language Testing | online |
41. | Language Variation & Change | online |
42. | Language: The Journal of The Linguistic Society of America | online |
43. | Le Français Dans le Monde + Dodatki: Francophonie du Monde, Recherches et Applications (Print) | print + online |
44. | Lexicographica: International Annual for Lexicography | online |
45. | Linguistic Inquiry | online |
46. | Lire Magazine Littéraire | |
47. | Literatura na Świecie | |
48. | Mdü. Mitteilungen für Dolmetscher und Übersetzer | |
49. | Nederlandse Letterkunde. Journal for Dutch Literary Studies | online |
50. | Nederlandse Taalkunde | online |
51. | Neuphilologische Mitteilungen | online |
52. | North American Journal of Celtic Studies | online |
53. | Nowe Książki | |
54. | Nowele (North- Western European Language Evolution) | online |
55. | Perspectives: Studies in Translatology | online |
56. | Phonology | online |
57. | Poetica | |
58. | Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics | online |
59. | Przegląd Orientalistyczny | |
60. | Revue Romane | print + online |
61. | Rocznik Orientalistyczny | |
62. | Romania | |
63. | Russkij Jazyk za Rubezom | |
64. | Spiegel der Letteren | print + online |
65. | Studi di Filologia Italiana | |
66. | Studi Linguistici Italiani | |
67. | Studies in Second Language Acquisition | online |
68. | Tesol Qurterly | online |
69. | Text und Kritik. Zeitschrift für Literatur + Sonderband | |
70. | Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- En Letterkunde | |
71. | Time Magazine | |
72. | Voprosy Jazykoznanija | |
73. | Voprosy Literatury |